USBA Article: The Will to Win: Why Active Duty Military Choo...

The Will to Win: Why Active Duty Military Choose USBA Plus SGLI, and Veterans Choose USBA Over VGLI

USBA sailor with toddlers

If you grew up with video games based on combat, there was a time when the will to win meant working your thumbs faster than the other player.  But now that you’re serving your country, you know the will to win goes a lot deeper. It means giving your all to achieve victory and protect those in your charge.

While armed forces members are on active duty, the services encourage the will to win by providing SGLI (Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance), a benefit that automatically extends up to $500,000 in coverage to every active member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and Space Force—as well as many members who are active for training or even active part-time in the National Guard or Ready Reserves.

Later, when service members transition back to civilian life, the government offers the chance to convert your SGLI to VGLI (Veterans' Group Life Insurance). As a veteran, you have one year and 120 days after separation to apply for VGLI. And, if you apply for coverage within 240 days of your date of separation, you won’t need to answer health questions. Regardless of the VGLI application deadlines, your SGLI expires 120 days after you separate.
And, while SGLI does offer coverage for the families of active service members, FSGLI—supplemental life insurance policy for families—maxes out at $100,000 for your spouse and $10,000 per child. If you want your family’s financial future to be even more secure, USBA can provide more coverage than the government offers while on active duty. Here’s a fact you’ll want to know:  When you become a veteran, VGLI does not include coverage for your family.

USBA offers so many policies to help make your family’s financial future bright. Let’s start with your kids.  Children’s Group Whole Life Insurance actually enables you to build a nest egg for each child by locking in guaranteed premiums, building cash value over time, and ensuring that no matter what health or other problems may come up, your child’s coverage can never be cancelled, provided premiums are paid on time.

See Children’s Whole Life facts here.

What’s more, when you purchase coverage with USBA, we offer additional options to cover your children. Each $25,000 of USBA Group Term Life coverage which you request allows you to apply for one unit of Children’s Term Life Coverage. The maximum is four units and the monthly premium per unit is $1.50.

See Children’s Term Life Coverage facts here.

When you’re ready to leave the military service, USBA stands ready to serve you.  Our policies for veterans bring you more choices, and we’ll work with you to find the level of coverage and premium price that suit you best.

Here are just a few reasons to choose USBA:

  • USBA lets you combine coverage up to $750,000.*

  • Any USBA policy you buy while on active duty is 100% portable to any civilian or federal job.

  • Convert to VGLI, and your premiums rise every five years, even if your lifestyle is healthier than average.  With USBA, if you lead a healthy lifestyle, you may qualify for our Preferred Rates with even lower premiums.  What’s more, policies like our 20 Year Group Level Term are designed to keep your premiums level for your first 20 years with no decrease in coverage, provided you pay your premiums on time.

    See 20 Year Group Level Term facts here.

  • With USBA, there’s no increase in premiums or decrease in coverage just because you separate or retire from the military.

  • Want to add AD&D coverage to your life insurance? SGLI can’t help you there. Ask us: we’ll get right on it.
  • When you’re ready to replace your SGLI upon separation, USBA offers you the freedom of choice. Choose one of our term insurance policies that bring peace of mind, or a whole life insurance policy that provides permanent coverage, or both! With USBA, you have options.

  • *The overall maximum coverage for each Member/Associate Member is $650,000 under all USBA-sponsored Group Life Insurance Policies, with the option for those ages 69 and below, if approved, to add up to an additional $100,000 of Traditional Whole Life (G-10648-0), for a maximum of $750,000.

    Note: This material is not intended for use with residents of New Mexico with respect to AD&D Insurance.