College-Bound Seniors: Apply Today for the Dietrich

College-Bound Seniors: Apply Today for the Dietrich Scholarship


2023 Dietrich Scholarship

The new year offers all of us a fresh start and a time to consider what’s next. If you have a high school senior in the family, what might be next is college in the fall. It may seem early, but now is the time to start making plans – including plans for how to pay for college.

One way to help cover college expenses is via scholarships. Urge your high school senior to submit an application for the William A. Dietrich Memorial Scholarship from USBA Services, Inc.1 Click to find all the details you need.

This scholarship provides a $2,000 non-renewable grant. Recipients can use the funds for tuition, room and board, or other college-related expenses.

The Dietrich Scholarship is an important part of USBA’s heritage. We’ve been awarding it to deserving students for more than 30 years now. Perhaps your student could be next. It honors former USBA President, the late Major General William A. Dietrich, USAF (Ret.). It’s awarded annually to at least one graduating high school senior who is a child or grandchild of a USBA Member. Recipients are selected on the basis of academic achievement, leadership accomplishments and participation in community activities.

Application Deadline is March 31

If you know a student who is eligible to apply, please encourage them to download and complete the scholarship application. Be sure to let them know that all applications must be received at USBA no later than March 31, 2023.

While you’re helping your child prepare for college, it’s also a good time to review your life insurance coverage. Because a variety of life events can change your needs for life insurance, we encourage you to read 5 Reasons to Review Your Life Insurance so you’ll be prepared. USBA offers a variety of life insurance products to fit your family’s current needs.

1USBA Services, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of USBA.

Uniformed Services Benefit Association (USBA) is a nonprofit Association that provides group life insurance, health insurance supplements, and other products and services to military personnel, Federal employees, National Guard and Reserve members, Veterans and their families.

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